Dusk walk – the day after mid-summer’s day

8.30pm. Friday. 2012. Breezy, dry but not warm. There’s a pink haze lying over the valley as I walk down the hill. No sound, just a few birds singing and horses tearing at grass but otherwise silent.


The growth is so thick I can’t see the badger hole in the bank of Knapweed meadow. Maybe I can put my camera there one night to watch. My hunch is it’s a maternity sett but I can’t be sure.

The stream is running fast after the torrential rain. It’s the highest I’ve seen it at this time of year. No signs of otter spraint on the stone.

The tall hedges are smothered in sweet smelling honeysuckle.


As I reach Stable oak there’s no sign of the little owls. Maybe they’ve decamped to Adam’s Oak on the hill where there’s more cover and food?

A song thrush is singing from a telephone line near the Mission, while a female gathers worms from a nearby field and swallows dive low over the lane.

Walking back down the lane bats take advantage of the knats. Several fly just over my head. Pipistrelles I think.

Knats in the setting sun

The stream that runs between the fields is overflowing onto the footpath and road. I’ve only seen it do this in the winter. It’s usually a dribble by now.

Reaching Knapweed meadow I spot a roe deer. There are no horses in the field at the moment, so the grass has grown long. Watching her with my binoculars I spot a fawn, then another. Twins… obviously not very old but steady enough on their feet.

Roe deer-001

A Perfect Shade of White : Wood Anemone

Wood Anemone, originally uploaded by Nature Watch Corfe Mullen.
I’m posting a few of the photos I’ve taken recently. These were taken on 31 March under the Remedy Oak (see previous post). I’ve played around with their background colour a little, but their yellow centres were so amazing I just had to make that zing…

Wood Anemone

The “Royal” Remedy Oak : Just an Ordinary Tree?

A couple of times recently I’ve driven over to Woodlands, a small hamlet between Wimborne and Cranborne, to survey the intriguingly named Remedy Oak for the Ancient Tree Hunt. I must admit it’s very easy to miss, blink and you’ve driven past, but get out of your car and walk around it and I promise you will not be disappointed.

The Remedy Oak Continue reading

Fancy a walk?

I’d love to say I’m good at watching wildlife. The trouble is I’m not. It takes me at least four disappointing outings before I catch even my first glimpse of a new mammal or bird.

With that in mind, I wondered whether you’d like to come with me? Obviously you can’t actually come, (cos it was on Sunday!) but you might enjoy the “virtual” exercise.

Towards Kimmeridge Bay from the Ridge Continue reading