Hunt for a Special Bee

Are you thinking that there’s no wildlife worth looking for now that September is here? All the good stuff has migrated or is starting to hide itself away? Rubbish. There’s a very special little bee that you might like to look for right now…

Colletes Hederae Ivy Bee SZ 24-09-2009 16-08-9 Continue reading

Day-dreaming about Moths!

In the winter I wrote a post called “Day-dreaming about Flycatchers“. When I wrote it I was dreaming of sunny summer days in July and Flycatcher chicks. Well the Flycatchers are back but so, unfortunately, is the rain.

Today the Met Office issued several severe weather warnings in the South of England. It has rained NON-STOP all day, even my new pond is flooding. So I’ve come up with a novel idea for feeding my hungry Flycatchers…. at night!

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